These radiators are stylish and yet practical, and can often come with intricate detail that really adds an extra level of sophistication to the finish. They warm rooms, banish drafts and can also be sourced as the likes of towel rails. During their height of population, they were warming homes and commercial properties alike. Today you can re-create this style and warmth in any room you choose.
Where can they be used?
Like all of our original cast iron radiators, a Princess Cast Iron Radiator is ideal for private and commercial buildings. They are available in and range of sizes and finishes, so depending on what you need, our team will do their best to source this for you.
A bit of background
Like the Duchess style, production of the Princess radiators started around 1880 and by the end of the 1920’s, the styles had started to change to a slightly more compact, Neo Classic range.
Key measurements
The ‘Princess’ style is 193mm pop deep. Heights 510, 660mm, 810mm and 965mm.
Heights 660mm, 810mm and 965mm.